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Choosing The Right Roof For Your Home
Roofing Blog

Choosing The Right Roof For Your Home

Choosing a new roof for your home? It’s more complicated than just picking something out of a catalog. You’re going to want to factor in various considerations in order to make an informed decision. Climate and weather conditions native to your area (and those yearly natural disasters so common in places like Florida). How long you’d like your roof to last vs how much you’re willing to spend. How much roofing material is going to cost, and how that particular material is going to look on your roof. 

With so much on your plate, it can be easy to feel completely overwhelmed. Not to worry, though: here are some choice material tips to help you along your way to roofing greatness.


If you’re looking for durable roofing, metal is probably the best option going for sheer longevity. It is especially strong, refusing to degrade when in full exposure to the elements, from sunlight to heavy rain. Panels are typically completely coated with zinc or aluminum, or galvalume in the case of galvanized steel. This makes them extremely strong, as well. 

Metal also has, by far, the highest wind rating of all common roofing materials. It reflects heat more effectively than its competitors, leaving your home warm in the winter and cool in summer. 

It’s also better in a lightning storm than you might expect. When a lightning bolt makes contact with a steel roof shingle,  the current is easily spread over the surface of the roof without ever entering the house itself. 

Metal is also non-flammable, leaving much less risk of extensive damage during a fire.


This is easily one of the more common and most popular options for roofing materials. Asphalt shingles are built for rugged performance, from felt saturated in asphalt, and coated from top to bottom with a weathering layer. 

The top is coated with a layer of mineral granules, which help to shield the roof from elements. These shingles are extremely versatile, suiting almost any style of home or roof. They can also be ordered in a variety of styles, from slate grey to simulated wood. 

Perhaps one of the main reasons they’re so popular is their low price point. Asphalt shingles are extremely inexpensive, requiring less work and investment to install and repair, over time. The trade in, however, is that they do have a relatively short service life. They’re also not as environmentally friendly, degrading into fine granules over time.


Tile roofing is much more durable than building with shingles. Obviously, this depends heavily on the quality and type of material you choose, but concrete and clay tiles are are extremely durable, as well as being fire-resistant. They’re also available in a huge array of colors and styles, making them extremely versatile. 

Tiles are difficult to install, and should only be handled by experts. This is a heavy material to use, so it most commonly features in new buildings with very specific weight restrictions. 

No matter your target budget is, ideal style, or the climate you live in, the perfect roof system exists for you. Your roof isn’t just some decorative element to try and get past as quickly and expensively as possible. It’s as important to your house’s functionality as the foundation and support columns. Choosing the right material will provide you with better insulation, protection from heat, and less frequent materials. Going the wrong way…well, that can be costly. 

Looking for the right materials, installed by some of the leading roofing professionals in Central Florida? Get in touch with Florida’s Best Roofing Inc., today, at (386 )263-7906!

Leaking Roof
Roofing Blog

What To Do When Your Roof Suddenly Leaks Or Is Damaged

When it comes to your home, there’s really only so much you can do against the elements. Build an average home, and pit it against a category 4 hurricane, and there’s a good chance you’ll lose a boundary wall, a few windows, or even a whole section of your home. It’s part of the risk when building a home and a big reason why homeowners’ insurance is so important.

And no part of your home is more susceptible to this kind of damage than your roof. Heavy rain and winds, lightning, hail and acts of God can all damage your roof, causing leaks and internal damage. 

So, what’s a homeowner in the middle of a hurricane to do? In the event of such damage, quick action is your first order of business. 

Stop A Small Problem From Becoming A Serious Disaster

Before we start, it’s important to note one important thing: in the event of an emergency, never try to fix the problem yourself. Even more importantly, never try to do this during a storm. You could seriously injure yourself, but also cause irreversible damage to your roof. 

Call in a qualified roof contractor who is going to have the equipment and expertise to handle your repair job safely and efficiently. Make sure you have an exact understanding of what the problem is before you call, or as close to it as you can get. Be prepared to explain, simply, what the damage is over the phone or in an email, so that they have what they need to give you an accurate cost estimate. 

With this information onhand, you now have what you need to decide whether the roof needs repairs, and whether those costs are worth it or if they can wait for the storm to pass by.

What’s Involved

For an emergency procedure, measures will typically include some of the following:

  • repairing tarpaulins on or underneath damaged roofing 
  • building up damaged chimneys 
  • protecting a damaged utility line

Once conditions have lightened up and everything is dry, once more, your contractor can do a complete assessment of the damage, just in case there was something you missed. They’ll want to isolate a damaged section of the roof and repair it without having to replace the rest of the roof itself. 

What To Do When Your Roof Suddenly Leaks Or Is Damaged

As a homeowner, you know anything can happen, but that doesn’t make it any easier to predict. That’s why it’s so important to know exactly what to do in the event of a sudden leak or unexpected damage, to minimize damage and any potential risks to yourself. 

Always remember: trying to handle an emergency repair on your ceiling on your own could be dangerous, not just to yourself but also to your roof. Isolate the damage, contain any of the moisture that makes its way inside, and get on the phone with someone who knows what they’re doing.

Looking for professional help with emergency roof repair work? Visit Florida’s Best Roofing Inc, or get in touch with us on (386)263-7906, today!

Qualifying Roofing Contractor
Roofing Blog

How to Qualify Your Roofing Contractor?

An important factor in the success of any construction project is in choosing the right contractor. Qualified, professional contractors have the background and experience in the industry to know what they need to turn out in order to guarantee the outcome of a homeowner’s project. 

If you take the time to understand your contractor before giving them the contract, you save a lot of potential issues and wasted time in solving unexpected problems. Professional contractors work with a sense of pride, so expect them to discuss your options, their previous work, and and any and all references.

Before making an appointment, decide whether you’re truly qualified. And the best way to figure yourself out in those situations? Well, you can start by answering some of the following questions:

Does Your Contractor Have A Permanent Office?

The selection process can be grueling when it comes to roofing contractors. This means that you need to get the basics taken care of, early on. Start with the following question: do they have the resources to rent and maintain a permanent office? If your contractor isn’t permanently established somewhere, how can they guarantee they’ll complete your roof under deadlines or unexpected developments?

Do They Have Legitimate Insurance?

Trying to decide on a new contractor? You’re going to want specific information about their coverage in the event of an accident or some sort of roadblock. They’ll need to verify your coverage, with names and phone numbers for their provider. 

Are They Licensed, Registered, and Part of a Trade Association?

Never trust a contractor just because they can show you their license. You might not expect it, but licensing requirements are actually pretty minimal.Not only that, but the actual laws concerning them aren’t usually very strict. 

Ask if they are a trade association member. Then ask for contact details, and make sure to actually reach out and contact the association to confirm their membership.

How Long Have They Been A Part Of The Industry For?

Age within the business speaks volumes, so make sure to get a clear idea of how long they’ve been roofing for. Many businesses will artfully sidestep this question, but don’t let them distract you. 

If your contractor has been in the business for fewer than five years, it may indicate some instability. This is why 90% of businesses fail within their first five years of operation. Check their references carefully for long-term validity, and make sure to ask about their older projects if and when you contact them.

How Have They Historically Handled Complaint Resolution?

If a contractor tells you they have never had a complaint during their time in business, do yourself a favor and reject them outright. Every business deals with complaints. It’s not about getting out without any complaints, but about how you handle those complaints.

Ask your potential contractor about the complaints they’ve had, how they handled them, and how they would handle a hypothetical complaint, as well. 

Looking for more great insights into the roofing industry? Check out some of our other expert blog content, or get in touch with us today, and find out how Florida’s Best Roofing, Inc. can transform your next roofing project.

Florida’s Best Roofing, Inc is a Palm Coast-based roofing contractor, providing professional roofing services in Flagler and Volusia County Areas.


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