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Roofing Blog

Summer Fun: Tales of Roofing Across Time Part IV

To round out our summer series on roofing tales from antiquity, in this post we will discuss how roofing developed across time from the examples we looked at in the last three posts to the modern roofs that are common today and which you might see on your own house and the houses of your neighbors. 

Roofing styles throughout history varied widely based mainly on three factors: the available technologies, available supplies, and environmental requirements. Nowadays, as we have discussed in many previous posts, roofing technologies have become quite advanced, allowing a fairly inexpensive and light asphalt shingle roof to do a job equal to that of a tile or even slate roof. Additionally, in our modern global economy, barring occasional disruptions, it is possible for roofing manufacturers, and in turn roofing companies, to purchase materials from all across the world at relatively reasonable prices, that is, prices that do not make the materials cost-prohibitive. Environmental considerations continue to carry heavy weight, and thus result, for example, in varying building codes across the US, but their impact in our time is often mitigated by technological advancement.

In the past, for much of human history, people across the world were missing those technological and engineering advances as well as the global supply chain which would allow them to overlook or overcome local environmental factors as well as local supply availabilities in favor of something better–that is something longer lasting which allows a greater degree of protection (in roofing terms) against flooding, animal intrusions, and storm damage. 

One of the most ancient roofing techniques (also used for walls), evidence of which can be found across the world for thousands of years, is wattle and daub. In this building technique a woven lattice of wooden strips, which is called a wattle, is daubed with a sticky moist mixture of clay, soil, and other locally available materials (such as sand, straw, and even animal dung). The daub is then allowed to dry. This creates an easy to make waterproofed construction which holds together well and can be easily repaired with the addition of more daub (a common method of upkeep for these sorts of structures). Wattle and daub gained its popularity from its versatility. Almost any place in the world has some kind of wood that can be used for wattle and a soil and clay mix with various aggregates that can be used to daub the wattle. While this technology is over six thousand years old, it is still used today in many parts of the world. 

A related ancient roofing method is thatching. A thatch roof is similar to wattle and daub in that it is created from strips of vegetation, usually whatever is locally available, but in this case the vegetation is not daubed. Instead, strips of vegetation (such as straw, rush, heather, or palm fronds) are laid very closely together in many layers to create a water-tight surface which also traps air and provides great insulation. Again, this method is prized for its versatility and used particularly in tropical and temperate climates. Although it is usually associated with relatively cheap construction in developing countries, it can also be found on historic buildings in places such as Ireland or on (very expensive) modern homes with owners who desire a rustic look. While the materials for thatch roofing are widely available, the technique of how to lay them together is no longer widely taught and requires the rare expert who has been trained in the art.

Ceramic or tile roofing is another technique from antiquity which survives in many places and in many different ways to the modern day. Ceramic roofing is more localized in antiquity to areas where the earth produces certain kinds of clay that are suitable for making tiles. These clay tiles also have to be fired (or baked) at certain temperatures for certain amounts of time to get them to the prime state of hardness and durability without overbaking. This is a learned technology that developed thousands of years ago in China and the Middle East from where it spread around the world. Tile roofing, as we have discussed before, is prized for its durability. In the Mediterranean, for instance, it is common to find examples of tile roofs that were built hundreds of years ago and survive and function in the modern day with minimal upkeep. In modern construction, tile roofing is relatively expensive but prized for its long life expectancy and pleasing aesthetics. Modern construction has tempered the expense of tile as now tile roofs are frequently made of concrete tile, not ceramic. Concrete tile is less prone to shattering, which makes it easier to work with, and also it is easier and cheaper to manufacture. 

There are plenty of other ancient roofing techniques which have not been covered in this post. If you want to know more, look out for our next post!

If you have any questions about roofs, we would be happy to help you out. Florida’s Best Roofing, Inc. is a fully licensed (CCC 1325974) and insured, local roofing contractor with decades of experience. If you are interested in roof replacement or repair and you are in the Palm Coast, Flagler, or Volusia area, please give us a call at 386-263-7906 for a free estimate!

Summer Fun: Tales of Roofing Across Time Part III
Roofing Blog

Summer Fun: Tales of Roofing Across Time Part III

Nowadays roofing construction and the roofing business can seem mundane and often quite a hassle for those who have to deal with roof repairs or roof replacement. While that, in fact, may have always been the case throughout history, roofing does play a key role in a few tales across time, from mythological, to historical, to mundane. This is the third post in a series where we will look at interesting ways that roofing has come up in ancient mythology and history while contextualizing these snapshots for those who may not be quite so familiar with tales from antiquity.


Bread and Circuses

You may have come across the phrase “bread and circuses” in the past but do you know where it originates? The phrase comes from an ancient Roman author called Juvenal who wrote satire in the form of poetry. Juvenal lived in Rome at the heyday of the Roman Empire at the end of the first century of the current era. He quite often, as much as he could with the government of the time, wrote political satire, criticizing the grandiose lifestyle and expenditures of the Emperor or the declining social and political freedoms in Rome as the Empire grew into itself. “Bread and circuses” refers to the grain dole (bread), which was the free distribution of grain by the emperor to those who qualified (kind of like food stamps). It also refers to entertainment “publically” funded by the emperor (circuses). The reason these are called circuses is that most of them took place at the race track, which the Romans called a circle, or circus in Latin. As part of his societal criticism Juvenal claimed that the Emperor (particularly Domitian) could get away with anything he wanted and retain the support of the people provided that he gave them “bread and circuses.”


Ancient Rome

The city at that time was a bustling metropolis with about a million inhabitants and one of, if not the largest, cities in the entire world. With the technological and engineering capabilities of that time putting some limits on infrastructure, Rome was a city of grand houses and villas for the wealthy and at the same time a city of small hovel-like crowded and not always safe apartments for the rest of society, which included the overwhelming majority of Romans. In addition to satirizing Rome’s political climate, Juvenal also commented on everyday life for the average individual in Rome, which gives us a window into what the city looked like, smelt like, and felt like. 

As told by Juvenal, Rome was uncomfortable to live in, to say the least. The majority of Romans lived in apartment blocks made up of buildings several stories tall with multiple apartments on each floor and shared plumbing and kitchen facilities, kind of like a college dormitory. They were also built mainly of wood and fairly close together. This led to hazards such as frequent fire outbreaks, occasional collapse, and very narrow thoroughfares. The living facilities would likely have been cramped, dark, and fairly uncomfortable. Juvenal in describing these sort of accomodations refers to roofs explicitly twice, both in dangerous contexts. First, he says that those with apartments immediately below the roof–on more or less the attic floor–are the safest from fires as those tend to start on the bottom floor where the cooking facilities are. However, this also means they are the last to find out about fire, which poses a danger of its own. Elsewhere, Juvenal says that one of the dangers of walking about the city–in its narrow thoroughfares–is the stuff people dump out of their windows onto the street and, more importantly, the dangers of roofing tiles falling off of the roofs of these multi-story apartment buildings and straight onto the head!

Thankfully, outside of extreme weather circumstances, we are pretty safe in our modern homes both from flying roofing tiles (unlike Pyrrhus from the last post) and from window debris. Reading a text as old as Juvenal’s is fascinating both for the window it gives us into the past and for a renewed appreciation of the present, where tile stays put on roofs.

If you are interested in ancient tales, stay tuned for the next post!

If you have any questions about roofs, we would be happy to help you out. Florida’s Best Roofing, Inc. is a fully licensed (CCC 1325974) and insured, local roofing contractor with decades of experience. If you are interested in roof replacement or repair and you are in the Palm Coast, Flagler, or Volusia area, please give us a call at 386-263-7906 for a free estimate!

Storm Damage: Repair or Replacement
Roofing Blog

Storm Damage: Repair or Replacement

When you notice storm damage to your roof, you are presented with a choice between hiring a contractor to perform a small repair on the roof or replacing the roof altogether. Storm damage can be incredibly stressful and is certainly something that happens very frequently in Florida. For this reason, almost every homeowner in Florida will eventually be confronted with this choice. Here we set out to provide you with relevant information surrounding this decision so that you can make the best choice for your home and for your roof.

Storm damage often appears as something fairly small. The most frequent form that it takes are missing or creased shingles on a roof. Other forms may include spots on shingles lacking granules (indicating hail damage), chipped or broken tile, or bent or dented metals. While it is true that strong storms, particularly tropical storms and hurricanes, may cause major damage to roofs through large pieces of flying debris (which could put a hole in the roof), most storm damage presents as something minor. 

So, if you see two or three missing or creased shingles on your roof, does this suggest repair or replacement? While the first instinct when confronted with such damage may be to get an estimate for a small repair (or even do it yourself with tools from the local hardware store), this may not always be the correct choice. 

Repairs due to storm damage do have some advantages. One is that they can frequently be done much quicker than roof replacement. Not only will a repair take only a couple of hours versus a couple of days for replacement, but it can also be scheduled much quicker. While most contractors schedule roof replacements two or three months out, roof repairs are typically scheduled within one or two weeks. The second advantage of repairs is probably the more impactful one: repairs are much, much cheaper than roof replacement. This does not, however, need necessarily be the factor that makes the decision for you.

How is that the case? Well, this all depends on the age of your roof. If your roof is about at the end of its life-expectancy (typically 15-20 years old for a shingle roof), then there are additional factors to consider besides time and cost. Firstly, it is nearly impossible to repair a roof of that age in such a way that it becomes as good as it was before the damage occurred. When shingles near their life expectancy they become brittle–that is very easily breakable or crackable. So, when a roof repairman goes to lift the shingles around the missing or damaged one in order to repair it, the surrounding shingles begin to tear as well. For this reason, most contractors do not give any warranties for repair work–it will simply never be as good or as durable as the original roof. Moreover, it is impossible to match older shingles (or tiles) in color because the materials’ color fades and warps with weather and wear. Consequently, a repaired roof will never be as aesthetically pleasing as the original, instead taking on a patch-work like appearance. 

The second factor to consider in favor of replacement is that storm damage is almost always covered by your home insurance policy. So, if you do notice storm damage, your first step should be to file an insurance claim, before any repairs take place since the damage needs to be documented. Now, an insurance company may elect to pay for a small repair, which often comes out under the policy’s deductible, but in the case that your roof is nearing its life expectancy and your roofing materials are not matchable in color, they are required to pay for full roof replacement even if the initial damage is minor. The reason for this is that Florida statute 626.9744 requires that insurance companies replace any damaged material with materials of matching color and quality. If such materials cannot be found, as in the case of a 15 year old roof, they are required by law to pay for full replacement of all adjoining materials. Thus, with the help of your insurance company, your roof replacement cost after a storm may amount to the same out of pocket cost as a small repair–the amount of your deductible.

If you have any questions about roof repair or replacement, we would be happy to help you out. Florida’s Best Roofing, Inc. is a fully licensed (CCC 1325974) and insured, local roofing contractor with decades of experience. If you are interested in roof replacement or repair and you are in the Palm Coast, Flagler, or Volusia area, please give us a call at 386-263-7906 for a free estimate!

Is Now a Good Time for Roof Replacement
Roofing Blog

Is Now a Good Time for Roof Replacement?

The question above is one that occurs at some point to every homeowner. Roof replacement is a big undertaking. It is a costly home improvement, it takes a lot of planning, and it is a major change and renovation for your home. It is also, however, essential for the upkeep and integrity of a property. An old, worn out, or leaky roof is a huge liability for many reasons. Firstly, it starkly lowers a home’s resale value, even in the robust real estate market of today’s economy. Whether or not you plan to sell your home, maintaining its value is always a wise investment. Secondly, aged or damaged roofs can strikingly raise home insurance premiums. In some cases, a bad roof can lead to insurance policy cancellations or even make a home close to uninsurable. Finally, damages to the roof, or even regular wear and tear over time, can easily lead to interior leaks or other further damages to the house. To avoid these liabilities, as well as the stress and cost that comes along with them, it is vital to the regular upkeep of a property to maintain a roof within its life expectancy and in good condition. 

This may leave you asking, when exactly should I start thinking about roof replacement? Is now a good time for it? Well, the simple answer is that if you are worried about your roof now or you think you should be worried, then yes, now is a good time. This does not mean that you need immediately to sign a contract. What it means is that there must be a reason you are considering roof replacement now. Maybe you know that your roof is reaching life expectancy (about fifteen years for most shingle roofs). Or maybe you have noticed your insurance premiums climbing, or, worse, you have gotten an insurance cancellation notice. Maybe your neighbors or friends are replacing their roofs, or at least talking about it. Maybe you are thinking about moving or putting your home up for sale and you want to make sure that it is in peak condition. If any of these circumstances apply, or if you have any other reasons not mentioned here, you should consider looking into roof replacement as soon as it begins to weigh on your mind, since there is likely to be a very good reason for that. 

Since the first step to roof replacement is simply getting a couple of estimates, it is an easy one to take. Any reputable roofing contractor would be happy to give you a free estimate within a couple of days of you requesting one, usually after a brief roof inspection (which you do not even need to be present for). After such an inspection, reputable contractors will also be happy to discuss your roof’s condition with you and explain whether or not your worries are reasonable or unfounded. Our representatives can tell you whether you have any outstanding problems on the roof, whether the roof has reached its life expectancy, and how long you can expect your current roof to last and function without replacement. Taking this simple measure can be an easy source of stress relief, as it will put your mind at ease if you do not need roof replacement and it will give you the comfort of having taken the first step if you do need it. 

With hurricane season coming up residents of central Florida may be reluctant to dive into roof replacement until the potential dangers have passed. This is not necessarily true though, as it is best to replace a faulty roof before a storm blows through. A new roof will stand up much better to tropical storm force winds than an old one, which will prevent leaks or other damages to the interior and personal property. Moreover, there is no season in central Florida that is completely without rain and windstorms. Even outside of hurricane season these tend to occur once or twice a month, albeit with less intensity. All this is to say that if your roof needs replacing now, waiting out the rainy season or the storm season is not a great reason to procrastinate. 

If you want to make sure that you and your roof are prepared for the future, just give us a call and we would be happy to help you out. Florida’s Best Roofing, Inc. is a fully licensed (CCC 1325974) and insured, local roofing contractor with decades of experience. If you are interested in roof replacement or repair and you are in the Palm Coast, Flagler, or Volusia area, please give us a call at 386-263-7906 for a free estimate! 

Roof Replacement
Roofing Blog

Roof Replacement and Roof Repair–Done Remotely!

Did you know that you can get your roof replaced or repaired without ever having to go into an office or meet in person with a contractor? In these times there may be several reasons that you are hesitant to begin roof replacement or roof repairs on your home. You may be traveling or currently residing outside the area of your home. Or you might own an investment or rental property and be unwilling to travel to deal with its renovations. Or you might be self-isolating due to health concerns and COVID-19. As we have discussed before at length, however, the roof is an integral part of the home and any roofing issues (especially if there is a leak) should be top priority and addressed as soon as possible. For this reason we want to make our customers aware that roof repair and replacement can be accomplished entirely through remote means: by computer, phone, and/or mail.


Step 1: Getting an Estimate

If you notice that you need a roof repair or want to have your roof replaced, your first step should be to get an estimate. Ideally, you may want to contact several contractors to compare estimates. To get a free estimate from Florida’s Best Roofing, Inc. you can just call us at 386-263-7906 or send an email to [email protected] or go to our website: floridasbestroofing.us. 

While we may need to physically look at your roof in order to give you an estimate, you do not need to be present for the inspection. If there are interior damages or leaks that concern you, simply take photos of the relevant areas and send those to us by email. Your estimate/proposal will also be sent to you by email. If at any point you have any questions about your estimate, our company, or roofing in general do not hesitate to give us a call or send us an email and we will be happy to help you out. A lot of information can also be found on our website. 


Step 2: Contract Agreement

Once you have the estimate(s) for your roof and have chosen a contractor, it is time to sign an agreement so that you can be put on their schedule. When working with Florida’s Best Roofing, Inc. we are happy to accept your signed proposal by email and will email you back a copy co-signed by us. If necessary, we can work through the postal system as well. 

If you are replacing the roof, you will also need to sign, notarize, and submit permitting papers as any licensed contractor will need to pull a permit from the city or county where the home is located to replace a roof. Beware any company that attempts to replace a roof without a permit! Based on your location, we will pre-fill and email you the appropriate permitting paperwork for your roof replacement. Oftentimes the original copies of these documents are required for the permit so you will simply need to print, notarize, and mail these documents to us at our physical address: 1 Enterprise Dr. Unit 6 Bunnell, FL 32110. 

When replacing your roof you will also have to make a choice as to the color of your new roof. Colors can be viewed online at the shingle manufacturers’ websites. Our preferred shingle manufacturers are Owens Corning (owenscorning.com) and Atlas (atlasroofing.com). On these websites you can view sample shingle colors, request free shingle samples to be sent to you, look at other roofing materials, and find out more about roofing in general! Another great way to choose a color is to drive around and look at recently replaced roofs. We would be happy to provide you with addresses in the Flagler and Volusia county areas where we recently completed roof replacement in order to help you with color choice.


Step 3: Relax!

Once all the paperwork is signed, we will put your roof on our schedule and complete the work professionally and in accordance with all local and state building codes. We are committed to quality. We will keep you informed by phone or email of material deliveries and work progress. If you have any questions anytime throughout the process we would be happy to answer them by phone or email. You do not need to be present during the work process; in fact, many homeowners choose not to be because the work itself can be quite noisy.


Step 4: Payment

Once your roof is complete and passes all inspections as required by the city or county where the home is located, we will give you a call and send you an invoice by email or mail, as you prefer. We would be happy to answer any questions at this point. Payment can be made remotely, ordinarily by mailing a check, and once paid you will receive confirmation of payment and warranty information by email or mail, again, as preferred.

So, as you see, there is no reason to wait to get your necessary roof repairs or replacement. If you have been waiting to take care of your roof because you do not want to meet a contractor in person and you are in the Palm Coast, Flagler, or Volusia area, please give Florida’s Best Roofing a call at 386-263-7906 for a free estimate!

Roofing Updates
Roofing Blog

Popular Roofing Upgrades

Replacing the roof of your house might not be an exciting or glamorous improvement to your home, but it is one of the most important. A high quality updated roof made of technologically advanced and upgraded materials can extend the life of your home and raise the value of your property. It can also save you in insurance costs if you inform your insurance company about your roof upgrades or get a wind mitigation inspection. Although the roof serves a necessary function, it can also add to the aesthetics of a home, provided that it is carefully chosen and installed well. There are ever increasing advances in the technology of materials and installation. Taking the time to find a good contractor who can provide you with a selection of roofing materials that will complement your property can go a long way. It is also important to consider attic ventilation and internal climate control in roof replacement. Below are some upgrades to consider when replacing your roof in the current climate.



Choosing the right, energy-efficient shingle is key. Shingles are the most common choice of roofing material in our area. Asphalt shingles are a great, long-lasting and cost-efficient roof covering. Although they have been in use for many decades, in recent years, especially in the last ten or so, there have been many technological advancements in shingle manufacture. There is a huge variety of shingle color and styles now available, with differing advantages and warranties. It is important to do your research before selecting your shingle. If you are replacing your roof now, it is probably at least 15 years old, if not more. In the past, 15-20 years ago, the most commonly used shingle was the 3-tab shingle with a 20-25 year warranty and 60 mph wind resistance. Now, the most commonly used shingle is architectural, with a limited lifetime warranty and 130 mph wind resistance. That is quite an upgrade! There has also been an increase in color and styles available, including designer colors to choose from, which can add to the appearance of the property. Reflective shingles are available which can diminish the impact of the sun in particularly sunny areas, like Florida. Their granulated surface reflects the sun’s rays and can even lower interior cooling costs.



Gutters are a great way to increase the life expectancy of your roof. They are low maintenance and can be complemented with gutter guards, which will decrease the need for cleaning out gutters on a regular basis. They are an essential roofing component that improves the function of the roof and prevents water damage. Gutters channel water away from the roof, particularly in areas prone to water build-up or standing water, which can quickly damage the roof and cause leaks. Older versions of gutters had a tendency to get clogged with tree debris, leaves, and pine needles. They required frequent and regular maintenance to keep their functionality. Newer forms of gutters are almost seamless, making them much less likely to leak or trap debris. With gutter guards, maintenance becomes practically unnecessary. Gutters now come in a variety of shapes, styles, and colors making it easy to choose gutters that will complement the style of your roof and your house.

Roof and Attic Ventilation

Improving the ventilation of your attic space can go a long way in extending the life of your roof and saving you money on heating and cooling costs. In the summer, especially in Florida, attics get as hot as a furnace, particularly when improperly ventilated. The buildup of the heat radiates to the rooms directly below the attic, which increases cooling costs. Super-heated attic spaces also have the potential to damage or prematurely degrade roof covering. Keeping the attic, and your house, cooler is extremely important. To make sure that this is the case consider installing ridge vents, if the shape of your roof makes this possible. Ridge vents are the best at ventilating attic spaces. Ridge vents are also great aesthetically, as they are barely visible from the ground. They also come in a shingle-over style which blends in perfectly with the rest of the roof. Ridge vents expel hot attic air as cooler air is drawn in through the soffit, so it is good to make sure that your soffit is also functioning properly. 

If you have any questions about your roof, need a roof inspection, or want a free estimate for your roof replacement in the Palm Coast, Flagler, or Volusia area, please give Florida’s Best Roofing a call at 386-263-7906!

Florida’s Best Roofing, Inc is a Palm Coast-based roofing contractor, providing professional roofing services in Flagler and Volusia County Areas.


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